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Who we work with

Founding teams

Benefits to the Investor Community

Our core mantra is Fairness, Independence and Discretion & Confidentiality in every transaction

Now is the time to consolidate and build robust, data-rich, interoperable and centralised financial services that delivers exponential growth potential, shareholder value and enables founding directors a means for elegant exit, avoiding insolvency through private partnership.

Creating Win-Win Partnerships

Collaboration makes the dream work! Our companies and investors team up to create win-win partnerships where everyone benefits. Companies gain the financial support and strategic guidance they need to thrive, while investors have the opportunity to contribute to the success story and reap the rewards of the investment.

Hidden Potential Waiting to Shine

Distressed assets are like rough diamonds waiting to be polished! Investors see beyond the current difficulties and recognise the untapped potential lying within. With a little TLC and strategic vision, they believe these assets can be transformed into shining stars of success.

Opportunity for Creative Solutions

Investing in distressed assets isn't just about throwing money at a problem; it's about finding creative solutions to complex challenges. Like our investor partners, we love the opportunity to roll up our sleeves, think outside the box, and apply innovative strategies to turn things around.

Buying Low, Selling High

Who doesn't love a good bargain? Distressed assets come with discounted price tags, offering investors the chance to buy low and sell high. With a savvy eye for value, investors seize the opportunity to scoop up quality assets at rock-bottom prices.

Building Long-Term Value

Investing in distressed assets isn’t always a short-term play; it's about building long-term value. Our investors take a patient and strategic approach, focusing on sustainable growth and value creation over time. They're in it for the long haul, committed to nurturing these assets back to health and prosperity through growth equity, roll–up strategies and acquisition.

Making a Positive Impact

Beyond the financial returns, investing in distressed assets allows our investors to make a positive impact on communities and industries. By revitalising struggling businesses, preserving jobs, and driving economic growth, we play a crucial role in fostering resilience and renewal.

Benefits for the Acquiring Party


OUR four-stage Approach

Stage 1


Develop a proposal for acquiring party to secure their support and financial backing for Stage One

Stage 2


Design a project outline and get it agreed by acquiring party and Founding Team



Pre-due diligence assessment against needs criteria of acquiring party



Launch due diligence and transaction closing process

Our supporters

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